Saturday, May 12, 2012

May 12 Reporting

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  1. Today's count is split between Alpha Among Dragons and Book 2 of Strands of Pattern. The wedding wore me out so I'm going to bed.

    Today's tally: 690
    Running total: 7,968 / 620
    Ended with:

    More than a dozen dragons surrounded Daaron, but it was Rendowin's massive yellow eyes that bore down upon him with the weight of judgment. The dragon's voice rumbled deeper than it ever had when they'd spoke during the dreamwalking. "You slew him."

  2. I hit 462 words today. I spent last evening and this morning camping with the kids, so I feel glad to even get this amount done.

  3. I did type a lot but it was all work I had to deliver already and it doesn't count.
