Saturday, May 19, 2012

May 19 Reporting

Reply to this post to report your word count.


  1. Now, I know I've been lax this month (darn those promotional things!), but today I went to work!

    Over 3,700 words done today! Party is now back together, emotionally possible scene that's been driving me nuts on how to do it not only figured out but in a way I didn't plan on and done well enough that I was tearing up as I wrote it, additional backstory shared, and everyone's now going to rest before the march towards the bloodbath, er, ending!


    1. Gee, KateMarie... Remind me to never make you angry. The immense pleasure you take from bathing your characters in blood borders on unsettling. :)

      Nice word count, btw!

  2. Well, 22 hours working over the last two days didn't leave much time, but the total was *not* zero, at least.

    Today's tally: 201
    Running total: 8,822 / 775

    Ended with:
    “Do you believe them?” the red asked.
    “I’ve no reason not to. But it is strange watching someone’s eyes change from brown to blue in a few short years. Unnatural if you ask me.”
    “Darweena wonders why the Stewards allow it. And she’s not alone.”
    “Nobody knows the minds of Stewards, Ramithese. Nobody.”

  3. I'll copy this entry to the 20th once Todd publishes the page.

    Today's Tally: 878
    Running Total: 9,700 / 775

    Ended with:
    "I believe it best that you first test the willingness of these benders as you call them. I see no reason to bring the matter to Olsarin without knowing these humans are open to it."
